Kayaking Excursions & Boat Transport Victoria BC

We provide return-trip boat transportation from Sidney (just north of Victoria BC) to any of the Gulf Islands if you wish to go kayaking for the day. Our day rates apply.  1/2 price for one-way drop off, no return.


  1. Bring your own kayaks - maximum 4 kayaks (1 or 2 seaters ok)
  2. For Day trips you can also use our 2 single seater inflatable kayaks if you don’t wish to bring your own - no extra cost

We will discuss your preferences - beaches, widlife, scenery, and more - then rough out an itinerary best suited to your preferences.

For day trips our boat acts as the escort and provisions boat. Feel free to bring food and spirits which are stored on our boat to enjoy your day.

 sea kayaking gulf islands

sea kayaking Sidney Island - Gulf Islands BC

kayak boat transport

sea kayaking excursions Victoria BC

Humpys, Orcas, Stellars and California Sea Lions all in one afternoon

Every day is a unique adventure out on the Salish Sea but today’s trip stood out. We launched at Pedder Bay Marina in Metchosin to place us close to Race Rocks. As the California and Stellar Sea Lion bulls were entertaining us from their perches on the rock formations we suddenly found ourselves surrounded by a dozen or so of these mamoths swimming, diving and porpoising. Then the incredible happened. One of the stellars suddenly sprang out of the water not 40 feet from us with a huge salmon which it had just caught as it breached the surface. The salmon was squirming it the sea lion’s mouth. Just as quickly as the stellar had surfaced he dove again and repeated this motion 2 more times. All the while a dozen or so of his very excited mates were porpoising almost in unison as a group. In 12 years being out here on the ocean that was a first for me. This was just the begginning of our adventure. We had heard reports of 4 to 6 humpbacks in the general vicinity over the past week. As we networked with our colleagues we heard 6 transient orcas were nearby. We spent a bit of time enjoying the orcas before heading out in the direction of the shipping lanes where soon we spotted 4 humpbacks. They put on quite a show for us including some excellent tail flukes. The humpbacks were also very vocal. All this in the space of 4 hours on one of those special autumn days when the seas were calm and the sun was out.